The West Virginia Geriatrics Society is the state affiliate of the American Geriatrics Society (AGS). We are a 501 c 3 WV non profit organization with membership. Our members are dedicated to improving the health, independence, care, and quality of life of older people. Members include geriatricians, geriatrics nurse practitioners, nurses, social workers, family practitioners, physician assistants, pharmacists, internists and other healthcare professionals and para professionals who are either interested in or practice care for older individuals, with a focus on championing inter-professional teams, eliciting personal care goals, and treating older people as whole persons.
Goals of the Organization:
Promote and support the interdisciplinary practice of geriatrics.
Increase the number of healthcare professionals (physicians, nurses, social workers, pharmacists, dentists and others) knowledgeable about the care of older adults.
Advocate for improved healthcare for older adults
Promote effective high-quality education.
Encourage Patient outcome-oriented research and dissemination
Foster needs of membership and engagement of members
Encourage students to pursue a career in Geriatrics.
We are governed by a Board of Directors made up of healthcare professionals and paraprofessionals with a specialty or interest in the care of older adults.
Board of Directors 2022
President - Lisa Nord, RPh.
Marshall University School of Pharmacy
Huntington, WV
President Elect - Haley Moore, MHA, NHA , CDP
Executive Director, Genesis Health Care Dunbar Center
Dunbar, WV
Secretary/Treasurer, JT Hunter, CDP
REMT Care Partner Coaching
Charleston, WV
Board Members
Immediate Past President
President, David Elliott, PharmD, BCGP
WVU School of Pharmacy – Charleston Campus
Melanie Hall, MSN, RN
CEO, Hospice of Huntington, Inc.
Huntington, WV
Ashley Ince, LNHA, CDP
Center Executive Director, Genesis HealthCare
Michaela Leffler Huddleston, PharmD, BCGP Assistant Professor
University of Charleston School of Pharmacy
Charleston WV
Jane Marks, CDP
Dementia Practitioner and Caregiver Advisor
Charleston, WV
Timothy Saar, PhD.
Saar Psychological Group, PLLC
South Charleston, WV
Teresa Sexton RN, MSNeD
Hospice of Huntington
Huntington, WV
Chris Wood, DO FACP, FACOI
WV School of Osteopathic Medicine
Lewisburg, WV

Supporting the care of older adults and geriatric education in the Mountian State