to all who participated in the
WV Geriatrics Society Annual Summit
January 20, 2022
Moving Forward
Just a few words and phrases heard during our first Virtual Summit:
· Stellar event!
· Great information today!
· Covid Stress Syndrome
· WV ranks 2nd in the nation in the number of older adults in poor health.
· Eating is meant to be a social activity.
· Be aware of how small actions serve everyone.
· Omicron is NOT a kinder, gentler Covid.
· Horrid times also create transformational change.
· Engaging speakers today!
· Stayed on schedule
· So glad you held this event this year and in this way.
· I learned so much today.
Bravo To Our Presenters!
Keynote Speaker, Dr. Clay Marsh
In order of Presenting:
Dr. Shawn Allen, MSW,LGSW
Samantha Byrd, MSW, LGSW
Thomas McIntosh, 2nd Yr Med Student
Dr. Robert Walker
Lisa Nord, RPh
CK Babcock, PharmD
Timothy Saar, PHD
Student, Intern, Resident Poster Competition Winner, Dr. Abraham Titus
Special Thanks to our